Item: HPS hand
Manufacturer: CAE Healthcare
Use: Hand for simulated patient modeled on 33 year old male

Item: Bag of blood or concentrated red cells (simulated)
Use: Simulation centres cannot use real blood in scenarios, so they use simulated blood which participants can give to the patient who has been bleeding.

Item: Pupils
Manufacturer: Laerdal
Description: Box of differing sized pupils, pinpoint, normal and blown
Use: show symptoms of medical conditions

Item: SimMan IV module
Manufacturer: Laerdal
Use: allows for blood sampling and cannulation of SimMan

Item: HPS neckskin
Manufacturer: CAE Healthcare
Use: The neckskin covers the trachea. It is perforated during cricothyroidotomy or tracheostomy and therefore needs to replaced every few uses.. This neckskin has been modified by the simulation technicians to show a soft tissue injury to the neck.

Item: HPS head and airway and clear plastic jar.
Use: To collect petty cash for buying tea and biscuits.